Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 26 in Konya, Turkey - on Alaadin Hil

I was surprised by the warmth of the day. People were happy to be out and about on a lovely cloudy day. Many people were whispering and theorizing about me, whether I was 'Saudi' or 'Sudan' or 'Tourist' or 'Somali' or what was I doing? Some already knew 'Amerikali' but I still am curious as to why it is always done so loudly, --is it intentional, to get my attention, or is it just a normal audio-level musing?

Nevertheless it was a beautiful day, and I had to take off my jacket, since I was now overdressed. Some 12-13 year olds were following me around, trying to quietly get my attention, until I turned to say hello, right after I took this picture. They asked if I spoke Turkish, and wanted to take a photo with me. I agreed, and asked if I could take theirs. The boys chickened out, so Merve (the leader) and her friend took one, and a few minutes later, the boys who were feeling they missed the opportunity, and were hovering, agreed to a quick photo. Then they were happy.

I am really wanting to think quietly outside, but the new visitors to Konya are still fascinated by me.

They, however, are so sweet, that I am only pleased they are go glad to meet with me, talk with me, if only for brief moments.
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